Slow-Poke Gets a New Raincoat

“Slow-Poke,” said Mother looking out the kitchen window on a rainy spring morning. “It is raining outside.”

“That means that I will have to wear that old raincoat,” said Slow-Poke, angrily. “I may as well not wear one at all. I get just as wet with the raincoat as I do without one. That raincoat is full of holes.”

The raincoat Slow-Poke was referring to was a very old raincoat. It was full of holes. After all, it was a hand-me-down. Mother could not afford to buy him a new one at the time he needed one. Their neighbour was throwing one out so Mother asked if she could have it for Slow-Poke.

“I guess so,” said the neighbour. “I just don’t understand why a duck would need a raincoat, though. I thought ducks liked water.”

“Oh we do like water, “explained Mother. “However, this raincoat would be for Slow-Poke. We all know that Slow-Poke is a lot slower than all the other ducks. When it rains out, Slow-Poke gets too wet. I don’t want him to get sick.”

“In that case,” said the neighbour. “Take the raincoat. I hope it will keep him dry.”

Slow-Poke was grateful for the hand-me-down raincoat. At first it did keep him dry but as time went on, Slow-Poke noticed he was getting wetter and wetter.

“Just go get your raincoat out of the closet and put it on,” said Mother.

Slow-Poke went to the closet and he was so excited to see a brand new raincoat hanging there.

“Oh Mother!” exclaimed Slow-Poke, happily. “A brand new raincoat! I can’t believe it.”

“I have wanted to buy you one for so long now, “said Mother. “I finally was able to save up enough money to get you one. I am so glad that you like it.”

“Like it,” said Slow-Poke. “I love it. Thank you Mother.”

“You are welcome,” said Mother.

Slow-Poke gave his mother a big hug and kiss. He could hardly wait to go outside and try out his new raincoat.


Moral of this Story:

  • It is always nice to get something new.
  • Example: Slow-Poke’s Mother bought him a brand new raincoat.

Further Reading

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