The Missing Pot of Gold

Lucky Leprechaun woke up very early on St. Patrick’s Day.

“I feel very lucky today,” said Lucky Leprechaun, getting dressed.

Lucky Leprechaun dressed in his best green suit, green hat and green shoes. He felt very handsome.

Lucky Leprechaun had a very busy day ahead of him. He was going to march in the St. Patrick’s Day parade and then he was going to hand out his pot of gold to whoever could bring him a four-leaf clover.

Lucky Leprechaun went into his bedroom to get the pot of gold that he had put beside his bed the night before. It wasn’t there.

“Oh dear!” exclaimed Lucky Leprechaun. “What am I going to do? I lost my pot of gold.”

Lucky Leprechaun was very upset. He didn’t understand how he lost the pot of gold. He had never lost one in the past.

“I have to find it,” said Lucky Leprechaun to himself. “But wait. I am lucky. I am sure it will show up.”

Lucky Leprechaun waited for about an hour. He went back into the bedroom and was fully expecting to see the pot of gold but it wasn’t there. He was very disappointed.

“Maybe I am not so lucky after all,” said Lucky Leprechaun.

Lucky Leprechaun was just about to leave when his friend, Hoppy Bunny showed up at his door.

“I have a receipt for you,” said Hoppy Bunny.

“I don’t understand,” said Lucky Leprechaun. “A receipt for what?”

“A receipt from the bank,” said Hoppy Bunny.

“Why do I need this?” asked Lucky Leprechaun.

“I stopped by this morning but you were sleeping,” said Hoppy Bunny. “I saw the pot of gold you had beside your bed. I didn’t think that was a safe place for it so I took it to the bank.”

“You did what!” yelled Lucky Leprechaun.

“I took it to the bank,” said Hoppy Bunny.

“Why did you do that?” asked Lucky Leprechaun. “I need that pot of gold.”

“I am sorry,” said Hoppy Bunny. “I thought it was safer. At least in the bank you will earn interest on it.”

“Oh,” said Lucky Leprechaun. “Maybe I am lucky after all.”


Moral of this Story:

  • A setback can actually be a blessing in disguise.
  • Example: Lucky Leprechaun is upset and worried because he thinks he has lost his pot of gold. However, he later realizes that Hoppy Bunny’s actions were actually beneficial, as the gold is now safely stored in the bank and earning interest.

Further Reading

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