Trickster Bunny – Character Insight

Welcome to the Trickster Bunny – Character Insight page. Trickster lives with his mother and ten sisters. Trickster finds out that sometimes his tricks can be dangerous and that sometimes they can hurt someone. Trickster always feels bad when he finds this out.

The bunny family live in a wooded area just outside of Calgary, Alberta. They don’t have a very big den to live in so Trickster will often play outdoors to get away from his sisters. His sisters seem to spend a lot of time indoors, helping Mother with chores.

Trickster is the only boy in the family. He loves to play tricks on his family and his friends. His best friend is Fred Fox.

What we know about Trickster Bunny so far?

  • Trickster Bunny was created on June 17, 2016.
  • Trickster lives with his mother and ten sisters.
  • The bunny family reside in a wooded area just outside of Calgary, Alberta.
  • The family’s den is not very large.
  • Trickster often plays outdoors to get away from his crowded den.
  • His sisters tend to stay indoors to help their mother with chores.
  • Trickster is the only boy in his family.
  • He enjoys playing tricks on his family and friends.
  • Trickster learns that his tricks can sometimes be dangerous and hurt others.
  • He feels bad when he realizes his tricks have caused harm.
  • His best friend is Fred Fox.

List of Trickster Bunny’s family members:

  • Mother Bunny – Very caring and loving. She is very busy raising her 11 children.
  • Frannie – Trickster’s oldest sister. She is devoted to her mother and helps her out with her younger sisters whenever she can.
  • Isabella – Trickster’s youngest sister, who adores and worships him.


  • Given his preference to play outside, Trickster enjoys the freedom and space the outdoors offers.
  • He loves to play tricks and has a fondness for humor and mischief.
  • His relationship with Fred Fox indicates he values companionship and adventure with friends.


  • Trickster plays outside to avoid the cramped den, so he dislikes confined areas.
  • Since he feels remorse when his tricks go wrong, he dislikes causing actual harm or distress.
  • With his sisters spending a lot of time indoors, Trickster seems to prefer being outside, indicating a possible dislike for indoor chores or activities.

Further Reading

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