The Pea Pod Family – Character Insight

Welcome to The Pea Pod Family – Character Insight page. The Pea Pod Family are a family of sweet peas. They consist of Mommy, Daddy, Sissy and Baby Pea Pod.

The Pea Ped Family were found in a basket of peas in the back of a tractor by Farmer Ted and his helper, Tom. Farmer Ted took them up to his house that evening. Farmer Ted and his wife, Sue, took the Pea Pod family in. They adopted them as their own family. They loved the Pea Pod family and cared for them very much. They also vowed they would never eat peas ever again.

The Pea Pod family loved the farm they  lived on with Farmer Ted and Sue. The farm was located in eastern Ontario, Canada. It was a beautiful farm with lots of land and a huge farmhouse.

The one thing the Pea Pod’s could not figure out is why everything in the world couldn’t be painted the colour green, their favourite colour. It didn’t matter to them how many times Farmer Ted and Sue explained that there are other colours in the world, they just didn’t understand this concept.


Fact Card for The Pea Pod Family:

  • Date Created: January 16, 2008
  • City of Residence: Sharbot Lake, Ontario
  • Type of Character: Vegetable
  • Marital Status: Mommy and Daddy Pea Pod are married
  • Character Traits: Sweet and Loving
  • Favourite Quote: “We only like the colour green!”

Further Reading

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