Subway Sam – Character Insight

Welcome to the Subway Sam – Character Insight page. I created my character, Subway Sam in 2001, which was a period of time that I was taking the subway to work in downtown Toronto. There were times on my subway rides that I did not feel safe and that was because of some sketchy people that rode that subway.

Subway Sam rides the subway to and from work each and every day and when someone needs a helping hand, he is there to help. I sure that there are people that could use a helping help because taking the subway can be a scary experience. In fact, it is not just the subway but lots of subway systems worldwide.

Let’s all be Subway Sam’s and if we see someone who needs help, lets help them.


Fact Card for Subway Sam:

  • Date Created: July 11, 2001
  • City of Residence: Toronto, Ontario
  • Type of Character: Commuter
  • Marital Status: Married
  • Character Traits: Kind and Loving
  • Favourite Quote: “Do you need any help?”

Further Reading

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