Father’s Day BBQ

“This BBQ is a piece of trash!” shouted Daddy Parker, bringing in a plate of very well-done burgers. 

“Oh now, it isn’t all that bad,” said his wife, Delores, smiling to herself. “We can just put more mustard and relish on them than we normally do.” 

Delores knew their BBQ was on its last legs. She bought Daddy Parker one for Father’s Day, which was only a few days away. 

“I’m not cooking on that thing anymore,” said Daddy Parker. “From now on you can do the BBQing.” 

“Oh I’m pretty sure you will change your mind,” muttered Delores to herself. 

The morning of Father’s Day, Delores had their neighbour, Steve set up the new BBQ for her and he had even offered to take the old one away. He did all this while Daddy Parker slept in. 

“Could you start up the BBQ for me?” asked Delores, later that afternoon, smiling to herself. 

“Okay,” said Daddy Parker. “However, I’m not cooking on it.” 

Daddy Parker stepped out onto the patio and he was shocked at what he saw. 

“Happy Father’s Day!” shouted Delores and their three children. 

“I have a feeling you might want these,” said Delores, handing Daddy Parker a plate full of uncooked burgers. 

“Yes definitely!” cried Daddy Parker. “This sure was a wonderful surprise! Thank you!” 


Moral of this Story:

  • It is always good to have properly cooked barbecue burgers.
  • Example: Daddy Parker was upset because the BBQ he had was not working properly. However, his wife, Delores bought him a new BBQ for Father’s Day.

Further Reading

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