No Time to be Cranky

Cranky Bunny was actually in a good mood. Easter was coming up soon and he was excited. He had just finished his self-isolation because he had been showing signs of the dreaded coryvirus that had been plaguing Storyland for the past month or so.

“Nothing is going to dampen my mood,” said Cranky Bunny, actually outdoors, going for a walk and enjoying the fresh air.

While on his walk, Cranky Bunny came across Millie the Mechanic. Her eyes were all puffy and red so he knew she had been crying.

“Oh dear,” said Cranky Bunny, approaching Millie the Mechanic but also practising social distancing by keeping 2 metres away from her. “What is wrong?”

“Oh hello Cranky Bunny,” said Millie the Mechanic, trying to hide the fact that she had been crying. “I am just so overwhelmed by all this talk of that dreaded coryvirus. It is getting to me.”

“I know it can be overwhelming,” agreed Cranky Bunny. “However, as long as you are following the rules, you should be fine.”

“I am just so scared that I will get the coryvirus from one of my customers and then pass it on to my father,” said Millie the Mechanic. “He just retired and I don’t want anything to happen to him.”

“I see,” said Cranky Bunny.” As long as you are keeping your hands washed and keeping your distance from your customers, you should be fine.”

“I am just tired,” said Millie the Mechanic. “I have been trying to keep the garage open all by myself. I have had to lay-off my staff. There is just nothing to look forward to.”

“Oh but there is,” said Cranky Bunny. “Easter is coming up.”

“How can you think of Easter at a time like this?’ asked Millie the Mechanic, angrily. “I don’t like Easter!”

“What do you mean that you don’t like Easter?” asked Cranky Bunny, feeling himself turning into a cranky mood. “How can you say that? Easter is a glorious holiday, offering strength, renewal and hope.”

“I am sorry,” said Millie the Mechanic. “I shouldn’t have said that I do like Easter. Easter is a joyous occasion. I shouldn’t have taken out my frustration on the Easter holiday.”

“That is better,” said Cranky Bunny. “I know things are stressful and I know you are frustrated but please don’t take it out on the Easter holiday. We don’t want Easter cancelled just like everything else has been.”

“You are right,” said Millie the Mechanic. “We actually do need Easter right now, even though we have to practise social distancing. We need the joy and hope that Easter brings. Thank you for reminding me of that.”

“You are welcome,” said Cranky Bunny. “I am glad I was able to help. Happy Easter!”

“Happy Easter to you as well,” said Millie the Mechanic.


Moral of this Story:

  • We need the hope and strength that Easter gives us this year.
  • Example: Cranky Bunny saw that Millie the Mechanic was having a difficult time of it during the coryvirus pandemic in Storyland.

Further Reading

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