Ollie the Oil Field Worker

Ollie the Oil Field Worker was at camp in the oil fields, where he works. A few of his friends were talking about how they wanted to skip off work that next weekend to go to a snowmobile party.

“I can’t go,” said Ollie the Oil Field Worker, when Steve, his friend and co-worker asked him to go too.

“Why not?” asked Steve. “It will be fun.”

“Yes it probably will be,” said Ollie the Oil Field Worker. “However, we can’t just be taking random time off work. We would be likely off out of a job come Monday and I don’t know about you but a party just isn’t reason enough for me to lose my job.”

“You are no fun,” said Steve.

Ollie the Oil Field Worker didn’t say anything. He knew that once Steve had made up his mind to do something, there was no changing it.

“I just want to thank you,” Steve said to Ollie the Oil Field Worker the next morning.

“Why?” asked Ollie the Oil Field Worker. “What did I do?”

“There was a guy on the night shift that didn’t show up for work last night,” explained Steve. “He won’t be coming back. They fired him.”

“Oh dear,” said Ollie the Oil Field Worker, thinking to himself about how that could be them if they went to that snowmobile party next weekend.

“From now on,” said Steve. “I am going to listen to you. I really can’t afford to lose my job either.”

“That is good to hear,” said Ollie the Oil Field Worker.


Moral of this Story:

  • It is important to listen to a good friend when he is giving advice.
  • Example: Ollie the Oil Field Worker gave his friend, Steve advice when Steve wanted to skip work to go to a snowmobile party.

Further Reading

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