Summer Warmth

Me, Owner and Creator of Storyland, was in Kelowna, BC. It was the middle of summer but you wouldn’t know it. The weather had been horrible.

“I need some summer warmth,” said Me to herself, as she climbed into her car.. “I am going to go find some.”

Me traveled east. She found that Alberta was having much the same weather. Further east, she ran into severe thunderstorms.

“What is going on?” asked Me, while talking to a waitress in a restaurant in Manitoba. “I just can’t seem to find some morning summer warmth.”

“Where are you from?” asked the waitress, bringing Me her food.

“Kelowna,” said Me.

“That is funny because there was someone in here this morning saying how warm it was in Kelowna for the past three days,” said the waitress.

“That was right around the time I left,” said Me.

Me checked the weather app on her phone and saw that it was indeed warm in Kelowna. After she ate her lunch, she headed west.

“I found my summer warmth,” laughed Me, soaking up the sun when she arrived back in Kelowna. “It was right here in my own backyard. I just needed to have a little patience.”


Moral of this Story:

  • We need to have patience when we want good weather.
  • Example: Me traveled throughout Canada to find good weather only to find it was in her backyard the whole time.

Further Reading

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