Sweet Music for Father’s Day

Billy Troll had just gotten home from being on a month long tour. It was Father’s Day. He wanted to surprise his wife, Dianne and their children.

The house was eerily quiet. Billy saw the kids were sleeping. He wondered where Dianne was. She wasn’t in the living room, their bedroom or the kitchen. He was starting to be concerned but then he saw the light was on in his recording studio.

Billy stepped inside the mixer room and he was blown away at what he saw. Dianne was sitting at the microphone with a guitar on her lap, singing her heart out.

You are my mentor
Strong at heart
Oh, how I have loved you
Right from the start
Friend first and always
Now the best father to our kids
Our love will last forever
No matter what is in our midst

“That was amazing,” said Billy, once Dianne was done.

“I wanted it to be a surprise,” said Dianne, giving Billy a big hug.

“I was definitely surprised,” said Billy, wiping a tear from his cheek. “And, here I thought I was going to surprise you!”

“I guess we are both surprised,” said Dianne. “Happy Father’s Day!”


Moral of this Story:

  • Music is a sweet gift.
  • Example: Billy Troll’s wife, Dianne created a song for him for Father’s Day.

Further Reading

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