“R” is for Remembering

“Hi!” said Alphabet Allie, outside of the community hall in Lanigan, Saskatchewan. “It is an honour to meet you, Veteran Phil. I have a lot of respect for you and all the other veterans here today. ‘R’ is for respect.”

“Thank you,” said Veteran Phil. “I am here at this Remembrance Day service to receive an award. ‘R’ is for Remembrance and for receive.”

“It is good that your community is recognizing and remembering what you sacrificed for them,” said Alphabet Allie. “‘R’ is for recognizing and also for remembering.”

“I don’t have any regrets,” said Veteran Phil. “‘R’ is for regrets.”

“Fighting in the war must have been a huge responsibility when you were such a young man when you went off to war,” said Alphabet Allie. “‘R’ is for responsibility.”

“It was,” agreed Veteran Phil. “But I can reassure you that I would do it all again if I had to. ‘R’ is for reassure.”


Moral of this Story:

  • Please honour and respect our veterans.
  • Example: Veteran Phil speaks with Alphabet Allie about him being a veteran.

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