Ugly Sally’s Summer with Uncle Joe

“Congratulations on finishing school for the year,” said Father, at the dinner table. “I am proud of you. You did very well this year.”

“Yes,” said Mother. “I am very proud of you as well.”

“Thank you,” said Ugly Sally. “So, that means I can go with my Uncle Joe this summer.”

“A deal is a deal,” said Father. “You did your part by working hard and bringing up your grades.”

“I think it will do you good to find out more about your heritage,” said Mother.

Ugly Sally and Uncle Joe are from the Pinecrest Monster clan. Their whole tribe was wiped out by the Tamarack monsters.

Father and Mother are Ugly Sally’s adoptive parents. They have loved and raised Ugly Sally as their own. Uncle Joe wants Ugly Sally to spend the summer with him at the cabin where she was born. He wants Ugly Sally to learn about her roots.

Ugly Sally packed her suitcase after dinner that night. Uncle Joe was going to pick her up first thing in the morning.

“You be careful out there in the woods,” said Mother, with tears in her eyes.

“I will,” said Ugly Sally.

“You know we love you,” said Mother.

“Now dear,” said Father, giving Mother a hug. ” She has to do this.”

“Yes,” said Mother. “I know she does but it doesn’t make it any easier.”

Ugly Sally gave her mother and father a big hug.

“I am coming back,” said Ugly Sally. “I know that is what you are worried about.”

“Promise?” asked Mother.

“I promise,” said Ugly Sally.

Ugly Sally spent the summer with Uncle Joe at the cabin. Other than a few trinkets, there really wasn’t much left of the cabin.

“You know,” said Ugly Sally, sweeping the dirt from the floor. “I’ m just not feeling that I belong here. There really isn’t much left of Mom and Dad.”

“I feel the same way,” said Uncle Joe.” I think after this summer, I am going to sell this place. You and I will always be Pinecrest Monsters at heart and we will carry on that legacy but, we have to face reality. We have become humanized.”

“Sad as it is true,” said Ugly Sally. “We do have to face reality.”

Uncle Joe gave Ugly Sally the few trinkets that remained. They spent the summer taking walks, going for swims and spending a lot of time talking. At the end of the summer, Ugly Sally returned home while Uncle Joe spent a few more days closing the cabin for the last time and finalizing details of the sale of it to a developer.

“Ugly Sally seems more grown up,” commented Mother, upon Ugly Sally’s return.

“Yes,” said Father. “She is more grown up. The trip to the cabin has also made her more appreciative of what she has here with us.”

“I didn’t want her to go to the cabin,” said Mother. “But it has done her the world of good.”


Moral of this Story:

  • You have to give someone you love the freedom to find themselves.
  • Example: Ugly Sally went away for the summer with Uncle Joe to find her roots.
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