Spring Day for Marion
“It is finally spring!” exclaimed Marion, waking up one bright and sunny morning.
Marion ate her breakfast and she thought that since it was spring she would go for a nice walk. She walked up the street and was amazed at how beautiful all the flower gardens were in her neighbourhood.
“Oh how I love the beautiful flowers,” said Marion. “They are absolutely breathtaking.”
Marion walked along and soon she came across a bunny. She didn’t want to scare it so she quietly and carefully walked toward it.
“Oh,” said Marion admiring the bunny. “You are so cute.”
The bunny perked up his long ears and wiggled its cute little nose before hopping away.
Marion continued walking. Soon, she came across a squirrel. The squirrel was pretty busy, running back and forth from one tree to another tree. He was so busy that he didn’t even see Marion watching him.
“Aren’t you a busy little guy,” said Marion.
Marion continued on her walk and she was pleasantly surprised to see a blue bird sitting on a fence at the end of her street.
“Now you are the prettiest little bird I have ever seen,” said Marion, absolutely delighted over finding the bluebird. “I love your colour.”
Marion turned around and walked back home. She thought about all the beautiful things she had just seen and she was very grateful for the spring season and the beauty it brings with it.
Moral of this Story: