Lil’ Rebel Behaves for Mother’s Day

Lil’ Rebel woke up early on Mother’s Day. She went downstairs and saw Mother cooking breakfast.

“Go sit down,” said Lil’ Rebel to Mother. “I will finish cooking breakfast for you.”

“Well this is an unsuspected treat,” said Mother. “Thank you so much.”

“Happy Mother’s Day,” said Lil’ Rebel, dishing out scrambled eggs to everyone.

“Now this is how Mother should be treated, “said Father, sitting down at the table for breakfast.

“Yes,” said Lil’ Rebel. “She should be treated like a queen every single day. Mother, I do love you very much. I know I have been a handful these last few years and I am really sorry about that.”

“I appreciate that very much,” said Mother. “I am very impressed with you this morning. It is like you are a whole different person. You are growing up.”

“When am I going to grow up?” asked Pattie, Lil’ Rebel’s younger sister.

“Don’t rush it,” said Lil’ Rebel.

Lil’ Rebel has been known to wreak havoc on her parents and Pattie.

“I like this new you,” said Father.

“If you want the old me back,” laughed Lil’ Rebel. “I am sure I can find her.”

“That is quite all right,” laughed Mother. “I am really enjoying the new version of you as well.”

“Me too,” said Pattie.

“Pattie,” said Mother. “Have you brushed your teeth yet this morning?”

“Yes,” said Pattie. “Lil’ Rebel told me to when she helped me get dressed.”

“You actually helped your sister this morning,” said Father, surprised.

“Yes,” said Lil’ Rebel. “I did. I laid out Pattie’s clothes for her so she would look nice for Mother’s Day.”

“We are very proud of you,” said Father. “You really are growing up.”

“Thank you,” said Lil’ Rebel.

“Why don’t us three girls go to the beauty parlour together?” said Mother.

“That sounds like fun, “said Lil’ Rebel. “I need my hair trimmed so that would be great.”

Mother, Pattie and Lil’ Rebel spent a very relaxed Mother’s Day together.


Moral of this Story:

  • Mother’s Day should be a day for Mother to relax.
  • Example: Lil’ Rebel helped Mother to relax by behaving herself.

Further Reading

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