Autumn Elf Rakes Leaves

It was a blustery autumn day. Autumn Elf was outside playing catch with his younger sister, Stella. He noticed that the leaves were piling up everywhere.

“When was the last time anyone in this town has raked the leaves?” asked Autumn Elf, kicking a huge pile with his feet.

Stella shrugged her shoulders.

“That tells me that you haven’t noticed anyone raking the leaves,” said Autumn Elf. “What is wrong with everyone?”

“Maybe they are busy,” said Stella.

“Too busy to take care of their lawns,” said Autumn Elf. “That is nonsense. The leaves are piling up and it seems that I am the only one that cares about it.”

“Why does it matter if people are raking their leaves?” asked Stella. “Seriously, I don’t see the big deal.”

“By raking up the leaves it makes the grass underneath it healthier,” said Autumn Elf. “We all want to have a beautiful green lawn.”

“Okay,” said Stella. “That is a very good point.”

“When was the last time that you raked the leaves?” asked Autumn Elf.

“Last year I raked some,” said Stella.

“How come you haven’t raked any this year?” asked Autumn Elf.

“I don’t know,” said Stella. “I have been really busy lately. I have a ton of homework to do.”

“If you have all this homework,” said Autumn Elf. “Then why aren’t you doing it instead of playing catch with me?”

“I just needed a break,” said Stella.

Autumn Elf saw George, his neighbour, outside, walking his dog.

“George,” said Autumn Elf. “When was the last time you raked the leaves?”

“Hmm,” said George. “I honestly don’t remember. There does seem to be a lot more leaves this year though. I suppose  I should get out here one of these days but I am just lazy. I just don’t feel like doing it.”

“This is pathetic,” said Autumn Elf, as he picked up a rake that was laying on the ground. “Look at all the leaves that have fallen just in the last hour. I will rake up all the leaves myself.”

Autumn Elf raked and raked and kept raking. He had all the leaves raked up for two blocks. At first nobody noticed but then Autumn Elf saw people picking up their rakes. Within an hour, all the people in the town were outside with their rakes. One hour later, all the leaves in the town were raked up.

“Thank you,” said Autumn Elf to the townspeople. “It didn’t take very long once everyone pitched in.”

“You are right,” said George. “It was a great community effort and once we all pitched in, it went very quickly.”

“Maybe we should do things as a community more often,” said Autumn Elf.

“I think that is a wonderful idea,” said George.

From that day on, the community worked together. Everyone seemed to get along and things in the community got done more efficiently.


Moral of this Story:

  • It is always good for a community to get along.
  • Example: Autumn Elf started raking up leaves but then the whole community pitched in to help.

Further Reading

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