Neon Cop – Character Insight

Neon Cop, is a super cool police officer who wears bright, fluorescent clothes and sunglasses. He’s not just any cop; he’s a character from a book and now lives in the fun world of Storyland. Neon Cop is very brave and kind, and he loves to help people and keep everyone safe. He’s someone you can look up to because he works hard to catch the bad guys and make sure everyone is okay.

One day, Neon Cop was at the beach and he found a little girl named Jenny. She was all alone because her mom accidentally left her there. But don’t worry, Neon Cop is on the case! He promises to find out what happened and make sure Jenny is safe again.

Even though some people might get his name mixed up with RoboCop, Neon Cop is special in his own way. He might not be as famous yet, but he’s just as awesome. And who knows? Maybe one day, Neon Cop will be the most famous hero of all! So, remember, if you ever need help or feel lost, Neon Cop is always there to save the day with a smile and his shiny outfit!


Fact Card for Neon Cop:

  • Date Created: May 5, 1990
  • City of Residence: Sharbot Lake, Ontario
  • Occupation: Police Officer
  • Marital Status: Married
  • Character Traits: Kind and Considerate
  • Favourite Quote: “I will catch the bad guy!”

Further Reading

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