Crystal Frost – Character Insight

Welcome to the Crystal Frost Character Insight page. Crystal Frost loves winter and the cold weather that goes with it. She is a devoted fan of the Storyland Tales hockey team, always cheering them on, even when they are the underdogs. Crystal’s adventures often revolve around her love for the chilly season and her caring nature, especially towards her Aunt Matty.

What we know about Crystal Frost so far:

  • Date Created: January 2, 2025
  • Location: Lives deep in the forested area of Storyland
  • Only seen around Storyland when winter is upon us and it is very cold
  • Caring and considerate, especially towards her Aunt Matty
  • Loyal and supportive fan of her favorite hockey team, the Storyland Tales
  • Optimistic and hopeful, even when her team is the underdog

Family Members:

  • Great Aunt Matty – raised Crystal Frost as a baby when her parents passed away


  • Loves winter
  • Loves cold temperatures – the colder the better
  • Loves winter sports and always cheers for the underdogs
  • Enjoys attending hockey games, especially to support the Storyland Tales


  • Warmth
  • Summer

Further Reading

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