Caveman Jack – Character Insight

Caveman Jack is a character I created in honour of my Grandfather, Jack Williamson. Cavemen were the first humans to do a lot of things like hunt, fish and create tools. To me, my Grandfather was the first to teach me a lot of things such as swim, skate, fish and build things.

My Grandfather was someone I respected more than anyone else in this world, besides my Dad. I loved my Grandfather very much. He was the only Grandfather I ever knew. My Grandfather on my Mother’s side passed away a year before I was born, so I never got to meet him or know him. Just because my other Grandfather was never in my life physically, doesn’t mean I don’t want to keep his memory alive either. I don’t know much about my Mother’s Dad but from what I have heard, he too was a very hard working man. I know that if I could have gotten to know him, I would have respected him just as much as my other Grandfather. I feel privileged that I do have a few memories of him that my Mother, uncles, aunt and Grandmother have told me. I feel privileged to come from families that were hard workers and held very high morals and values.

My Grandfather was a very hard working man and my Dad is so much like him. Both my Grandfather and my Dad taught me that if I want something out of life, I have to work hard to get it. I have so much love and respect for the two men who were the head of my family when I was growing up.

My Grandfather was born in Toronto and he worked for a company called Consumers Gas, which is now called Enbridge. He retired from there and sold his house in Toronto. He moved to his cottage in Bobcaygeon, which he pretty much built himself.

My Grandfather was a very respected and well-liked man. He was a pretty easy going guy. He never once lectured me about anything but he would always state his opinion in a way that I could understand and the funny thing was, I never ever could get mad at him. My Grandfather was the most loved man ever.

The Caveman Jack character I created captures all the essences of the many firsts that my Grandfather taught me. The Caveman Jack character also helps me to keep the memory of my Grandfather alive. I hope that by sharing these stories that others will get to know my Grandfather as well.

Life is sometimes very hurtful and hard to deal with at times but it is the integrity and respect from my two Grandfathers that help me get through life’s struggles without leaving too many scars along the way.


Fact Card for Caveman Jack:

  • Date Created: April 3, 2007
  • City of Residence: Kamloops, BC
  • Type of Character: Caveman
  • Marital Status: Single
  • Character Traits: Very Kind and Very Helpful
  • Favourite Quote: “I can invent that!”

Further Reading

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