November Skies

The Poor Mountain Family were sitting at the dinner table, when Poor Mountain Sister happened to look out the window.

“What a beautiful sky!” she exclaimed.

The whole family got up from the table and stood and looked out the window. What they saw was the sun setting in the west with a clear sky that was just starting to turn black and they saw many stars out in the sky.

“Absolutely beautiful,” said Poor Mountain Mother, wanting to get a better look at it.

The whole family went outside and stood on the porch and were looking at the sky. All of a sudden they saw a light show in the sky like they had never seen before. They saw the northern lights dancing across the sky and they were just magnificent.

“Wow!” exclaimed Poor Mountain Brother. “The northern lights are sure lighting up the sky tonight.”

“They sure are,” said Poor Mountain Father.

The Poor Mountain Family has seen the northern lights many, many times in their lives but each one seems to be so different and so magnificent to see.

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