Alligator Sam

“It is so hot today,” said Alligator Sam. “I think I will just stay right here in the swamp.”

Alligator Sam lowered his body into the cool murky water. The only thing showing was his two beady eyes.

“That feels better,” said Alligator Sam, enjoying the coolness of the water.

A few minutes later, Alligator Sam heard the dreadful sound of gunfire. He stayed perfectly still. He knew the gunfire came from hunters, alligator hunters.

“Well, they aren’t going to make alligator boots out of me,” said Alligator Sam.

“Those alligators sure are hard to catch today,” said one of the hunters, who was now standing right beside the edge of the water. All that separated Alligator Sam from the hunter was a few feet of bullrushes.

“No Bill,” said the other hunter. “There are gators in this water. I can smell them.”

“Harry, you are probably smelling yourself,” laughed Bill.

“Maybe its you I smell,” said Harry, with a scornful look on his face.

Harry took his shotgun and turned it upside down. He jabbed the butt of the shotgun into the water, just barely missing Alligator Sam.

“Hey that’s a good idea,” said Bill, seeing what Harry was doing.

“Don’t put it in the water too far?” said Harry.

It was too late. Bill had stuck his gun into some quicksand and he lost it.

“My Dad is going to kill me,” cried Bill. “That shotgun belonged to my grandfather. That was his prized possession.”

“You can say goodbye to it now,” said Harry.

Bill sat at the water’s edge, taking his boots off.

“Bill,” said Harry. “Don’t you dare go into that water?”

Bill didn’t listen. He went into the water.

“I found it!” exclaimed Bill, happily, a few moments later.

“Bill,” said Harry. “Get out of that water now before you sink.”

Bill didn’t listen. Instead he stepped one step further. He had the shotgun in his hand. Then he felt himself sinking. Alligator Sam could not just let Bill sink. He swung his powerful tail over to where Bill was.

“Grab the tail,” said Harry, standing on the water’s edge, feeling helpless.

“What tail?” asked Bill, slowly sinking.

“Right there,” said Harry. “Right in front of you. I think that alligator is trying to help you.”

Bill finally saw Alligator Sam’s tail and grabbed onto it.

“That’s it!” exclaimed Harry, excitedly, watching his best friend, Bill, hold onto Alligator Sam’s tail for dear life. “That crazy gator is helping you.”

“I know,” said Bill. “It’s totally amazing.”

“Wait until we tell the guys about this,” said Harry.

“They’ll never believe us,” said Bill.

Alligator Sam swam as close to shore as he could. Bill was holding onto his tail the whole way. Once Alligator Sam was close enough, Harry reached over and pulled Bill ashore, shotgun and all.

The two men stood along the water’s edge and watched Alligator Sam swim away.

“He’s a beautiful alligator,” said Bill, tossing his shotgun back into the swamp and after seeing the look of confusion on Harry’s face, added. “I won’t be needing it anymore. I can’t go hunting alligators after what this guy did for me.”

“Me either,” said Harry, tossing his shotgun into the swamp.”

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