“S” is for Sweet

“We should do something special for Valentine’s Day,” said Alphabet Allie to her friend, Stewart. “‘S’ is for should, something and special.”

“That sounds super!” exclaimed Stewart. “‘S’ is for sounds and super. What did you have in mind?”

“We could make something sweet,” said Alphabet Allie. “‘S” is for sweet.”

“Let’s make a sunshine cake,” said Stewart. “I have some sugar and some sprinkles. “S” is for sunshine, some, sugar and sprinkles.”

“And I have a spatula and a spoon,” said Alphabet Allie. “‘S’ is for spatula and spoon.”

Stewart and Alphabet Allie had a wonderful time baking their sunshine cookies for Valentine’s Day.

“These are spectacular,” said Alphabet Allie. “Happy Valentine’s Day! ‘S’ is for spectacular.”


Moral of this Story:

  • It is nice to do something special for Valentine’s Day.
  • Example: Alphabet Allie and Stewart baked some sweet sunshine cookies for Valentine’s Day.

Further Reading

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