A Relaxing New Year

“It is nice to see you, Prairie Kid,” said Hop Out. “I am so glad you are joining us for New Years.”

“I am glad to be here,” said Prairie Kid, walking up toward the New Years building. “I think I have worked myself too hard on the ranch this past year. I am really feeling it. All my muscles are sore and I am exhausted. I am really looking forward to a relaxing New Years here at the New Years building.”

“We need to make sure you are ready to hop out of 2019 and hop in to 2020,” said Hop Out. “Because you realize you have worked too hard in 2019, I think you are ready to hop out of 2019.”

“In order to hop in to 2020,” said Hop In. “We need to come up with a way for you to take better care of yourself and find a way for you to relax.”

“That is what I would like too,” said Prairie Kid. “I need to find a way to better manage my time and make sure I can maintain my workload at the ranch.”

“Taking more time for yourself may be just what you need,” said Hop In. “Being here, at the New Years building is a start. Perhaps you could visit with Maisy the Massage Therapist.”

“A massage may be just what I need,” said Prairie Kid. “It would help me relax and it would help soothe my sore muscles.”

“I think you are ready to hop in to 2020,” said Hop In.

“I think I am too,” said Prairie Kid. “Happy New Year!”


Moral of this Story:

  • It is important to take time for yourself and relax.
  • Example: Prairie Kid realized he had worked himself too hard on the ranch.

Further Reading

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