Happy Autumn

“Here Autumn Elf,” said Frankton, an elderly elf. “Let me help you with that.”

Autumn Elf was carrying firewood into Frankton’s house for him. Frankton wanted to help him. He wants to make sure Autumn Elf is happy because a happy Autumn Elf means there will be a happy autumn.

Autumn Elf is in charge of the autumn weather. If Autumn Elf is in a bad mood, then he will turn the autumn thermometer down, making it cold and miserable. However, if he is happy, the autumn season weather will be happy.

“You don’t have to help me,” said Autumn Elf. “It makes me happy to help you.”

“Oh,” said Frankton.” All I want is for you to be happy.”

Autumn Elf was happy, very happy. He liked that people were doing things for him. People were kind and generous to him.

“As long as people keep me happy,” said Autumn Elf. “I will give them nice autumn weather. People are making me feel like I am a king and I like it.”

“How can we keep this up?” Autumn Elf’s sister, Stella, said to Frankton one day. “It is going to his head.”

“Would you rather have your brother feeling like he is a king?” asked Frankton. “And have good autumn weather or have him upset and angry and have bad weather.”

“I would rather have the good weather,” said Stella.

“Then you know what must be done,” said Frankton.


Moral of this Story:

  • It is good to keep everyone happy.
  • Example: Autumn Elf was very happy so he kept the autumn weather nice.

Further Reading

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