Apartment 3 – Victor

Lost Christmas Tree was still trying to find out which apartment in the Christmas Building he was supposed to be spending Christmas. He saw the door for Apartment 3 so he knocked on the door.

An elderly man with a cane opened the door.

“Hello,” said the man. “How can I help you?”

“I am sorry to bother you,” said Lost Christmas Tree. “Are you expecting a Christmas tree delivery?”

“No,” said the man, opening his apartment door wider so Lost Christmas Tree could look inside. “I already have my Christmas tree.”

“Oh,” said Lost Christmas Tree. “And it is a beautiful tree at that. I am Lost Christmas Tree and I am trying to find out which apartment I am supposed to be spending Christmas at.”

“My name is Victor,” said the man.

“Is everything okay here Grandpa?” asked a much younger man, coming to the door. “Come eat before your Christmas dinner gets cold.”

“Sorry,” said Victor. “That was my grandson, David. Well, technically he is my great-great-great-great-grandson. This is the first Christmas dinner I have eaten with my family in 160 years.”

“160 years!” exclaimed Lost Christmas Tree. “Just how old are you?”

“I am 200 years old,” said Victor.

“That is incredible,” said Lost Christmas Tree. “How did you get to be that old?”

“When I was 40 years old,” explained Victor. “I was put under a spell by a witch by the name of Helga. She turned me into a monster and made it so that I would outlive everyone. I still have roughly 300 years to live.”

“That is an amazing story,” said Lost Christmas Tree. “I would love to learn more about you. However, I won’t keep you waiting from your family.”

“I appreciate that,” said Victor. “We can talk more later, once you find the apartment you are supposed to be at.”

“That sounds wonderful,” said Lost Christmas Tree, walking away.

“Good luck,” called Victor, closing his apartment door.

Lost Christmas Tree didn’t find the apartment that he is supposed to be spending Christmas at yet, but he did manage to find a very intriguing person in Victor.


Moral of this Story:

  • Sometimes you will find people who are very intriguing.
  • Example: Lost Christmas Tree did not find the apartment that he was supposed to be spending Christmas at but he did find a very intriguing person in Victor.

Further Reading

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