Mrs. Tulip – Character Insight

Mrs. Tulip, is the happiest flower in all of Storyland! She’s not just any tulip; she’s a special one with lilac petals that shine like a gentle smile. Mrs. Tulip loves to make everyone feel cheerful and bright.

In Storyland, where she lives in a beautiful garden, Mrs. Tulip wakes up every spring. She says “hello” to the sun, the bees, and all her animal friends. She believes that no one should be sad or grumpy, and she has a magical way of making frowns turn upside down!

So, if you ever visit the garden just outside the city, look for the happiest tulip of all. You’ll know her by her lilac petals and the big smile she’ll put on your face! 

What we know about Mrs. Tulip so far:

  • Created on March 19, 2017.
  • She lives in a beautiful garden located just outside the city of Kingston, Ontario.
  • Mrs. Tulip is distinguished by her unique lilac petals that resemble a gentle smile.
  • She is the epitome of happiness in Storyland, always cheerful and aiming to brighten everyone’s day.
  • Mrs. Tulip possesses a special magic that can turn frowns upside down, spreading joy to all.
  • Every spring, she wakes up to greet the sun, bees, and her animal friends with a warm “hello.”
  • She is a friend to all in Storyland, ensuring that no one feels sad or grumpy.
  • Happy, refreshed, and imbued with a sense of magic and cheerfulness.
  • She has a harmonious relationship with nature and the creatures of Storyland, contributing to the overall happiness of her environment.
  • Favourite quote: “How can I make you happy?”.

List of Mrs. Tulip’s Family Members

  • Mrs. Tulip does not have any family members on Storyland.


  • She enjoys tending to her fellow flowers and keeping the garden vibrant.
  • Sharing tales with her animal friends is one of her favorite pastimes.
  • Each new day brings her joy and a chance to make others happy.
  • Hosting gatherings for her friends in the garden is a delight.
  • The harmonious melodies complement the serene atmosphere of her home.


  • Anything that harms the purity of her environment is a concern.
  • She thrives on companionship and dislikes being alone for too long.
  • Creatures that harm plants and disrupt the garden’s peace are unwelcome.
  • She always tries to maintain a positive outlook and avoids anything that could bring her down.
  • As a spring flower, she prefers the warmth and finds the cold to be quite disagreeable.

Further Reading

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