Trip to Edmonton

Hi everyone! I have a new adventure for you. Baby Patrick and I recently visited Edmonton, Alberta. We had a lot of fun and wanted to share our adventure with you.
We left from Kamloops, BC at 5:00 am in the morning. It was a beautiful sunny morning and it was going to be a nice day. Both Baby Patrick and I were very excited. After we gassed up the truck, we went to Tim Horton’s for breakfast and some coffee. Baby Patrick had a juice.

As we drove on up Highway 5A to Jasper, Alberta, we noticed there was a transport truck that was carrying a rather unusual load of goods. He was carrying boxes and boxes of honey bees. We felt that was a very odd load of cargo but then bees do have to shipped occasionally.

We drove along and we saw a lot of deer. The deer we saw were mule deer because they had black on their tails. Baby Patrick is used to seeing just white-tailed deer because that is what kind of deer reside in the province he lives in, which is Ontario.

Baby Patrick squealed with delight when he saw a bear standing just off to the side of the road. I am pretty sure it was a grizzly bear because it was very close to Jasper, Alberta that we saw it. It was not very old, maybe last year’s cub.

Further on up the road, we got to the Jasper National Park. We had to stop at the booth and we explained that we would be just driving through Jasper on our way to Edmonton. If we were planning on spending a night or two in Jasper or the park, we would have to pay a fee for doing so.

We were disappointed going through the Jasper National Park because we were expecting to see some elk and mountain sheep. I have been through the park several times in the past and have always seen either one or both.

Just before getting to Edmonton, I pointed out fields of canola to Baby Patrick. All you could see were yellow flower tops in a field. Baby Patrick thought that was really neat and then just up the road from that, Baby Patrick and I saw a bison ranch. Baby Patrick thought that was really cool. He had never seen a bison before.

We arrived in Edmonton about mid-afternoon and we stopped for a meal. We headed back to Kamloops that evening. We didn’t stay overnight. We were thrilled however, when we drove back through Jasper and saw a whole herd of elk. Seeing the elk made the whole trip so worthwhile.

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