Silly Snake’s Winter Fun

Silly Snake woke up one afternoon after taking his nap. He was a little cold so he went out into the living room to get a blanket that was draped over his lazy-boy chair. As he lifted the blanket up, Silly Snake happened to glance out the window.

When Silly Snake saw that it was snowing outside, he threw his blanket down and grabbed his winter coat, boots, hat, scarf and mittens and dressed as quickly as he could. Silly Snake loved the snow and wanted to play in it.

Silly Snake made his way across the snow to his favorite hill. He slithered his way to the top of the hill, stumbling over rocks and prickly bushes. He didn’t care though. Silly Snake just wanted to get to the top of the hill.

Finally, he made it to the top of the hill and then he slithered down the hill on his belly, screaming with joy all the way down.

“That was so much fun,” said Silly Snake to himself.

Silly Snake slithered his way up to the top of the hill again. It took him about ten minutes to climb up to the top. He was just a little bit tired and a little bit out of breath. Once he was at the top, he slithered down the hill to the bottom.

Silly Snake did this one more time and this time he was worn right out. However, he slithered down the hill again.

“It’s just not worth the trouble of going through ten minutes of torture for two minutes of fun,” said Silly Snake to himself.

Silly Snake slithered to the top of the hill and was going to go home but when he looked at the hill, he couldn’t resist slithering back down it.

“One more time,” he said to himself. “Just one more time.”

Silly Snake ended up staying outside for two hours and he was very cold when he got home. However, he did decide that it was worth the trouble of slithering up the hill for ten minutes for that two joyous minutes of fun.

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