Cord the Car Parts Salesman

“Mommy,” said Harley, who was in her bedroom playing. “My toy car broke. I need to get it fixed.”

“Oh my!” exclaimed Harley’s Mom. “What is wrong with it? Perhaps I can fix it for you.”

“No,” said Harley. “I must take this to Cord the Car Parts Salesman. He will know what it needs.”

“Alright,” said Mom. “Go get your coat and boots on. We will go see Cord.”

Cord the Car Parts Salesman was very happy to see customers come into the store where he worked. It was a cold winter day and there weren’t too many people buying car parts. In fact, most people just stayed indoors.

“Well, what do we have here?” asked Cord, seeing Harley bring her toy car into the store.

“My toy car is broken,” explained Harley. “I need to get it fixed.”

“Let’s take a look,” said Cord.

Cord picked up Harley’s toy car and checked it out.

“I see what the problem is,” said Cord. “The spring on the trunk is missing. It looks like we need part number 5-027. Let me go get it.”

A few minutes later, Cord had a spring in his hand. He took out a pair of pliers from under the counter and he had Harley’s toy car fixed within minutes.

“How much do I owe you?” asked Harley, taking her change purse out of her pocket.”

“This is your lucky day,” said Cord. “Part number 5-027 is free today.”

“Oh,” said Harley, putting her change purse back in her pocket. “That is wonderful. Thank you very much!”


Moral of this Story:

  • We should all show a lot more kindness than we do.
  • Example: Cord the Car Parts Salesman was so kind to Harley when she brought her toy car in to be fixed.

Further Reading

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