Is It Wrong to Love

“Is it wrong to love?” sang Billy Troll, while strumming his guitar. “Is it wrong to feel good?”

“I love your new song,” said Billy’s wife, Dianne, standing in the doorway to Billy’s studio.

“Really?” asked Billy.

“Yes,” said Dianne. “I think you really have something there.”

“It isn’t wrong to love,” Billy continued singing. “It isn’t wrong to feel good. Loving someone gives a purpose to life. I am so in love with my wife.”

Dianne smiled at Billy when she heard the last stanza.

“How could it be wrong to love?” sang Dianne. “How could it be wrong to feel good? Loving someone makes me feel brand new. I am so in love with you.”

“A duet,” said Billy. “This song will be perfect as a duet.”

“Yes,” said Dianne. “A perfect love song for your Valentine’s Day concert.”

“That would be awesome,” said Billy. “And you can sing with me.”

Billy and Dianne practised their duet for the next few weeks and they had it so it was perfect. The morning of the concert, Dianne woke up and her throat was sore and she could hardly speak.

“What will we do?” cried Dianne. “I can hardly speak.”

“Don’t worry,” said Billy. “We will sing our song when you get better.”

“But this was supposed to your perfect song for the Valentine’s Day concert,” cried Dianne.

“There isn’t going to be a concert today,” said Billy, opening up the curtains to the bedroom.

It was snowing and blowing outside and there was about a foot of freshly fallen snow on the ground already.

“Nobody will be going anywhere,” said Billy.

The next weekend, the weather was perfect and Dianne’s voice was back to normal.

“Come on,” said Billy, trying to get Dianne out of bed, early on the Saturday morning. “We have a concert to perform.”

The crowd loved Billy and Dianne’s duet so much. They all wanted Billy to promise them that it would be on his next album.

“Hmmmm,” said Billy to Dianne that night. “How about a whole album of duets?”

“What an awesome idea,” said Dianne.

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