Winter Baking

Fawn and Spot were sitting in the kitchen of their barn one winter day. It was very cold outside. Fawn was fidgety and Spot knew why. He was very bored and Spot was, too. They had been stuck inside for the past week because of the cold weather.

“Alright,” said Spot. “Enough of this.”

“What are you talking about?” asked Fawn.

“Look I’m just as bored as you are,” said Spot. “We’ve got to do something to take our minds off this cold weather and the fact that we can’t go outside these days.”

“Yes,” said Fawn. “But what can we do? We need to do something that is fun and that will warm us up too.”

“I’ve got a good idea,” said Spot. “Let’s do some baking.”

“I guess,” said Fawn. “But baking is more work than fun.”

“Not really,” said Spot. “I love to bake.”

“Well I don’t really like the baking end of it,” said Fawn. “However, I do like to eat your baked goodies.”

“Yes I know you do,” said Spot.

“So what do you think we should bake?” asked Fawn.

“We could bake pretty much anything,” said Spot. “We could bake a pie, cake, cookies or we could even bake some brownies.”

“Ummmmm,” said Fawn. “Brownies it is.”

Spot got all the ingredients and set them on the table. She helped Fawn read the recipe and follow the directions. Fawn had lots of fun cracking the eggs and measuring the dry goods they would need. Spot melted the chocolate and poured it into the batter. Fawn had even more fun licking the mixing bowl clean when Spot was finished with it.

Just when they were finished baking the brownies, there was a knock on the door.

“Something smells so good,” said Jayden Hansen. “What are you two baking?”

Jayden Hansen was in town for a visit between college courses. Whenever she comes for a visit she always spends most of her time with her animals.

“We’re baking brownies,” said Fawn.

“Wow!” exclaimed Jayden, as Spot took the warm brownies out of the oven. “They look so good.”

Spot, Fawn and Jayden sat down and had a nice big piece of brownie with a big glass of milk.

“So what’s up with the baking?” asked Jayden after she finished her brownie.

“We were getting bored,” said Spot.

“We haven’t been outside all week,” said Fawn. “It has been way too cold outside.”

“Actually,” said Jayden. “I think it has warmed up a bit. I didn’t feel as cold as I did yesterday. Let’s get dressed and go outside for a bit.”

Jayden was right. It was a bit warmer outside than it had been but it was still a bit chilly. Spot, Fawn and Jayden went for a nice brisk walk in the mountains. They were gone for about an hour. They were pretty cold so they went back inside. They each had another piece of brownie and another glass of milk.

“I think I like winter baking,” said Fawn.


Moral of this Story:

  • It is nice to bake in the winter.
  • Example: Fawn and Spot were bored so they decided to do some baking.

Further Reading

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