Thankful for Arrow and Cutie

I am thankful for Arrow and Cutie, my two real life cats. Arrow and Cutie are also two characters on the Storyland website.

Let’s start with why I am so thankful for Arrow. I got Arrow when he was six weeks old in April 2009. He is a beautiful cat and he has a heart of gold. When I am in pain, Arrow always finds a way to comfort me, whether it is a simple little purr or whether he curls up on my feet.

Now, for Cutie. Cutie came into my life in October 2015, when Arrow and I moved to Calgary, Alberta. Cutie is absolutely gorgeous, with her long calico fur. I just have to look at her and she will first meow and then she will purr. Cutie purrs so loud and so hard that sometimes that she rattles.

I never thought I could love two cats as much as I love these two. I am so thankful to have them both in my life. They both make life so much more enjoyable.


Moral of this Story:

  • Pets can bring so much joy.
  • Example: I never thought I could love two cats as much as I love Arrow and Cutie.

Further Reading

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