Mother’s Day Picnic at the Office

“Mother’s Day is tomorrow,” said Daddy Elf, taking over much of the household duties since his wife, Mother Elf, was recently crowned Queen.

“Is Mother Elf going to be able to take time off and enjoy some time with us?” asked Annie, with eyes as big as saucers.

“We are going to hope so,” said Daddy Elf. “Now, you and Jason wash up for dinner.”

Daddy Elf knew that Mother Elf took her new position very seriously but also knew that she needed to spend some quality time with him and the children.

“We will make Mother’s Day a day Mother Elf will cherish,” said Daddy Elf, serving dinner to the children. “We will start with breakfast in bed, and then Mother Elf can soak in the tub while we get things ready for a picnic.”

“What if Mother Elf has to work tomorrow?” asked Jason. “There is no point in a picnic if she can’t enjoy it too.”

“Then,” said Daddy Elf, with a twinkle of joy in his eyes, “we will bring Mother’s Day to her.”

“To her office?” asked Annie.

“Yes,” said Daddy Elf. “To the office.”

“Oh,” remarked Jason. “This could be fun.”

After dinner, Daddy Elf and the children picked some fresh wildflowers that they knew Mother Elf liked.

“Happy Mother’s Day!” the children shouted to Mother Elf, happily, the next morning as they were shocked to see she was still in bed.

“You are still home,” said Daddy Elf, with a tray full of Mother Elf’s favorite breakfast sweets, with a vase full of fresh-cut flowers.

“Does this mean you are going to be able to spend the day with us?” asked Jason. “Most of the day,” said Mother Elf. “I do have to spend a couple of hours around noon at the office.”

“Oh,” said Annie, a little disappointed. “What about the…”

“Quiet,” whispered Jason.

“Oh yes,” said Annie, just remembering that they were going to surprise Mother Elf with a picnic at her office, seeing that she wouldn’t be home at noon.

Once Mother Elf left for the office, Daddy Elf dressed the two children in their Sunday best clothing, grabbed the picnic basket he had already prepared, and they headed to Mother Elf’s office.

“Oh my!” cried Mother Elf, joyfully, when she saw what her family had prepared for her for Mother’s Day. “We can sit in the courtyard.”

The Elf family enjoyed the little bit of time that Mother Elf could spare, and they made the most of it.

“I know my schedule is hectic,” said Mother Elf, “but rest assured that I enjoy every minute I get to spend with my loving and adorable family!”

“Happy Mother’s Day!” the family shouted, their voices echoing with love and joy.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the land, Mother Elf felt a warmth in her heart that outshone even the busiest of days. Surrounded by her family, with the scent of wildflowers in the air and the laughter of her children as the sweetest melody, she knew that these moments were the true jewels of her crown.


Moral of this Story:

  • No matter how busy life gets, taking time to cherish moments with loved ones is invaluable.
  • Example: Mother Elf, despite her hectic schedule as the Queen, makes it a priority to spend Mother’s Day with her family.

Further Reading

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