Daddy Parker – Character Insight

I created Daddy Parker as part of my Father’s Day Story Challenge 2019. Daddy Parker is a father to three children and his three children are the most spoiled children there ever was. Daddy Parker was a builder who built strong houses, and Mommy Delores was a nurse who helped make people feel better.

They had three children: Jason, who was 9, loved to play outside; Annie, who was 6, loved to draw; and baby Jeremy, who loved to giggle and crawl.

Daddy Parker loved his family more than anything. He worked very hard every day, but no matter how tired he was, he always had time for a hug, a story, or to fix a broken toy.

Some people thought Daddy Parker was the best dad ever because he always said “yes” to his kids. But others worried that the kids might not learn to be patient or work hard if they got everything they wanted right away.

Mommy Delores saw this too, and she tried to teach the kids to be kind and not ask for too much. But Daddy Parker just couldn’t say “no” when he saw their little faces.

The story of Daddy Parker is a special one. It shows us that it’s good for moms and dads to help their kids, but it’s also important for kids to learn to wait sometimes and to work for what they want.


Fact Card for Daddy Parker:

  • Date Created: June 2, 2019
  • City of Residence: Oliver, BC
  • Occupation: Builder
  • Marital Status: Married
  • Character Traits: Loving and Devoted
  • Favourite Quote: “I will do everything for my children!”

Further Reading

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