
“Fawn,” said Spot, watching Fawn packing a suitcase. “What are you doing?”

“I want to travel,” said Fawn.

“Where are you going to go?” said Spot.

“I haven’t made up my mind yet,” said Fawn.

“Well,” said Spot. “Don’t you think you should think about where you are going to go?”

“I guess so,” said Fawn.

“And,” said Spot. “Where are you going to stay?”

“I haven’t made up my mind about that yet either,” said Fawn.

“Well,” said Spot. “Don’t you think you should think about where you are going to stay?”

“I guess so,” said Fawn.

“And,” said Spot. “What are you going to eat?”

“I haven’t made up my mind about that yet either,” said Fawn.

“Well,” said Spot. “So far you don’t know where you are going, where you are going to stay and what you are going to eat. You know it is fun to travel but first you have to have a plan.”

“Spot,” said Fawn. “Don’t you ever just want to do something on impulse?”

“No,” said Spot. “I like to plan out and think over everything I do. Let’s say you just went on a trip and never had any place to go and any place to stay and nothing to eat, what would you do?”

“I guess I’d probably worry,” said Fawn.

“Exactly,” said Spot. “But now let’s say that you had your trip all planned out and you knew where you were going to go, where you were going to stay and what you were going to eat. Then, what would you do?”

“I guess I’d be able to have lots of fun,” said Fawn.

“That is correct,” said Spot. “So that is why you should plan out your trip ahead of time.”

Fawn put his suitcase away and then he decided to take Spot’s advice. Fawn planned a trip to the mountains and even Spot decided that she would go with him. Fawn and Spot had a lot of fun planning their trip and when they did go on their trip they had a wonderful time.

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