Autumn Wind

It was a windy autumn day. Mr. Red Leaf was doing his best to stay out of the wind. He didn’t like the wind because one day, an autumn wind came along and blew him out of the tree he lived in. Mr. Red Leaf was very angry at the wind.

Mr. Red Leaf was walking around the base of his maple tree. He was actually enjoying looking up into the tree and seeing the beautiful autumn colours on his friends, the maple leaves that remained on the tree.

“You are such a vibrant orange colour now,” said Mr. Red Leaf, to his friend, Howard.

Howard couldn’t speak but he did wave one of the points of his leaf at Mr. Red Leaf to acknowledge that he had heard him.

All of a sudden, a small gust of wind came along and blew Mr. Red Leaf toward the top of a very steep hill.

“Oh no!” cried Mr. Red Leaf. “I really don’t want to get blown over the side of that steep hill.”

Howard waved again to Mr. Red Leaf. Mr. Red Leaf waved back to Howard and just as he did, a much bigger gust of wind came along.

“Oh no!” screamed Mr. Red Leaf, in fear. “I am scared. I don’t want to be blown down that hill.”

Mr. Red Leaf caught a glimpse of Howard as he was swirling around in the wind at the top of the hill. Howard motioned for Mr. Leaf to straighten himself out. Mr. Red Leaf did as Howard suggested and he found that he had more control over his actions, even in a strong wind.

Mr. Red Leaf slowly went down the hill with the wind. He wasn’t afraid now. In fact, he was actually enjoying himself.

“I must say,” said Mr. Red Leaf, making his way back to where Howard was. “That was actually fun. Maybe the autumn wind isn’t so bad after all.”


Moral of this Story:

  • There may be some good in something we fear.
  • Example: Mr. Red Leaf did not like the autumn wind. However, he did find out that the autumn wind wasn’t as bad as he once thought.

Further Reading

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