Beatrice Bee Runs into Travelin’ Rick

Beatrice Bee was flying around Storyland. It was a hot summer day. Beatrice was still in British Columbia, Canada.

Beatrice loved British Columbia. She loved the Rocky Mountains, the wildlife and the people. She had already met Mountain Kid. She was looking forward to seeing the Poor Mountain Family.

While she was flying around, she happened to see a young man carrying a suitcase. He was coming out of a motel room.

“I bet that is Travelin’ Rick,” thought Beatrice, excitedly. “I would love to meet him.”

Beatrice saw Travelin’ Rick head to a car parked in the parking lot. She knew she was going to have to act quick if she was going to meet him.

Beatrice flew down. She saw that Travelin’ Rick had his cell phone in his shirt pocket. She meant to land on it but she misjudged the distance and she landed on his hand instead.

“What are you doing landing on my hand?” asked Travelin’ Rick.

“I am sorry,” said Beatrice. “I know you are Travelin’ Rick. “I have wanted to meet you for the longest time. I admire you.”

“Thank you,” said Travelin’ Rick. “I don’t know how come the insects admire me, here at Storyland, but I am grateful that I do have fans.”

“My name is Beatrice Bee,” said Beatrice. “I am visiting Storyland. I am on an adventure.”

“My traveling is my adventure,” said Traveler Rick.

“Yes,” said Beatrice. “I have read all of your adventures. They are very interesting.”

“I am sure your adventures are interesting as well,” said Travelin’ Rick, opening up the trunk of his car. “I do have to get going. I am heading home to Calgary today.”

“Okay,” said Beatrice, disappointed. “I understand. I hope you enjoy your trip home.”

“If you ever make your way to Calgary,” said Travelin’ Rick. “Please look me up.”

“I am going to visit the Poor Mountain Family here in BC first,” said Beatrice. “Then I can come back to Calgary.”

“Oh so you live in Calgary?” asked Travelin’ Rick.

“I don’t actually live anywhere,” said Beatrice. “I live everywhere.”

“I do know how that is,” said Travelin’ Rick. “I do have to get going.”

“Of course,” said Beatrice.

“See you soon,” said Travelin’ Rick, driving away and waving.

“Yes,” said Beatrice. “I look forward to it.”

“Me too,” said Travelin’ Rick.


Moral of this Story:

  • Traveling is an adventure.
  • Example: Both Beatrice Bee and Travelin’ Rick feel traveling is an adventure.
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