Welcome to the Fishing Kid Stories page. Fishing Kid is a Storyland character that I created because of my love of fishing. This love of fishing stems from when I was younger, fishing with my Grandpa in Bobcaygeon, Ontario.

Fishing Kid is part of my Canadian Family characters. My Canadian Family characters range in locations across Canada. Fishing Kid is based out of New Brunswick. He owns a fishing boat and loves it when he can travel the Atlantic Ocean in his boat.

Fishing Kid has a crew foreman, Harry. Harry loves to fish and be out on the open Atlantic Ocean just as much as Fishing Kid does. Harry is very loyal and devoted to Fishing Kid. He holds a lot of respect for him.

Storyland has lots of stories about Fishing Kid for you to read, like and share.

List of Fishing Kid Stories

  1. Summer in the Maritimes - May 16, 2005
  2. Spring with Fishing Kid - February 25, 2009
  3. A Good Day for Fishing - June 30, 2010
  4. Fishing Kid’s Christmas on the Fishing Boat - November 23, 2016
  5. Fishing Kid – Character Insight - May 3, 2017
  6. Spring Fishing - May 17, 2017
  7. Beatrice Bee Goes Fishing - August 27, 2017
  8. Stormy Summer Day – Fishing Kid - September 2, 2018
  9. The Earth Day Catch - April 18, 2024

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