May 24th Weekend

“Spot,” said Fawn. “Let’s go camping this weekend.”
“Bad idea,” said Spot.
“Why?” asked Fawn.
“It is the May 24th long weekend,” said Spot.
“That should be all the more reason to go,” said Fawn.
“Fawn,” said Spot. “Every single May 24th long weekend has been either really cold, or very wet because of rain.”
“What was last May 24th weekend like?” asked Fawn.
“You don’t remember?” asked Spot. “It was miserable. It rained the entire weekend.”
“Are you sure?” asked Fawn.
“Yes,” said Spot. “Remember we went on a picnic at the park. Mr. and Mrs. Hansen came with us.”
“That was May 24th?” asked Fawn.
“Yes,” said Spot. “It was.”
May 24th weekend came and just like Spot said, it was totally miserable. It rained the entire weekend.
Saturday night, Spot was heading off to bed when she saw Fawn walking up the hallway of the barn, carrying two sleeping bags out to the living room.
“Come on Spot,” said Fawn. “Let’s camp out in the living room tonight.”
Fawn and Spot had a lot of fun camping out that night. Spot brought out a batch of homemade cookies and they sat and sang songs and told a few camping stories.


Moral of this Story:

  • Canadians have learned that May 24th weekends are usually rainy.
  • Example: Fawn and Spot remembered the last May 24th weekend was rainy so they decided to camp in their living room instead.
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