Arrow the Torch Bearer

Mommy had just bought a pair of red Olympic mittens because she was going to go to the torch run in Kamloops, BC on the morning of January 28, 2010. She laid the bag with the mittens in them, on her computer desk and started cooking dinner. Meanwhile, Arrow decided he was going to see what was in the bag. He jumped on Mommy’s computer desk and put his head right inside the bag and sniffed it.

“Mittens,” said Arrow to himself. “Mommy bought me a pair of Olympic red mittens.”

Arrow dragged the bag off the desk and took the mittens out and tried them on.

“Gee,” he said. “They are kind of big. Oh well, they will be okay for when I run with the torch.”

See, Arrow had it in his thick little furry head that he wanted to be a torch bearer. He wanted to carry the Olympic torch. He had been watching newscasts on the television of how the torch had gone clear across Canada and was on it’s way back to British Columbia.

The day of the torch run in Kamloops, BC, Arrow got up before anyone else did, put the red mittens on and made his way down to the torch ceremonies. Arrow knew that the torch run was going to go right beside the mall that Daddy worked in and Arrow knew that Mommy was going to be there watching. Arrow walked with the other torch bearers all through the city of Kamloops and when they got close to the mall, Arrow asked the torch bearer if he could run the torch just past the mall. The torch bearer agreed.

Mommy stood outside in the cold, waiting for the torch to come along. Daddy was standing beside her. Mommy had her camera ready. Mommy saw the torch coming around the corner and started clicking the camera and then all of a sudden she stopped.

“My oh my!” exclaimed Mommy, laughing. “No wonder I couldn’t find my red mittens this morning. There goes my precious little Arrow as a torch bearer.”

Daddy laughed just as hard and took the camera from Mommy, clicking and clicking pictures of his now famous cat.

“Arrow,” said Mommy, picking him up in her arms, laughing still. “I am so proud of you, even though those mittens you have on are mine.”

“They are!” exclaimed Arrow. “I thought you bought them for me.”

“An innocent mistake,” said Mommy, hugging Arrow tightly. “You will never cease to amaze me you silly little kitten.”

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