Mother’s Day in the Mountains

“Gee,” said Poor Mountain Father. “Mother’s Day is coming up. What are we going to do for Poor Mountain Mother?”

“Well,” said Poor Mountain Sister. “I could cook breakfast.”

“And,” said Poor Mountain Brother. “I could do the dishes.”

“Okay,” said Poor Mountain Father. “That sounds good.”

“So,” said Poor Mountain Brother. “What are you going to do for Poor Mountain Mother on Mother’s Day?”

“Well,” said Poor Mountain Father. “I have an idea up my sleeve and I think Poor Mountain Mother is going to love it.”

“Oh no,” said Poor Mountain Sister. “Not the airplane ride! Poor Mountain Mother told you she doesn’t want to go up in an airplane.”

“No,” said Poor Mountain Father. “Not an airplane. A helicopter!”

“Cool,” said Poor Mountain Brother.

“How can you say that?” asked Poor Mountain Sister angrily. “You two are going to be in so much trouble with Poor Mountain Mother.”

“I don’t think so,” said Poor Mountain Father. “Not once she gets up in the air. The pilot is an old friend of mine and he has agreed to take us up and show us some wildlife. He knows where there is a family of grizzlies and also a family of mountain sheep. Poor Mountain Mother will love it!”

“Maybe so,” said Poor Mountain Sister. “But how are you going to get her up in the air?”

“We are going to blindfold her,” said Poor Mountain Father. “Now not a word from anyone of you about this okay. This is going to be a surprise.”

“Okay,” said Poor Mountain Sister. “That is one surprise I don’t want to be around for anyway!”

“Well,” said Poor Mountain Father. “We are all going up.”

“Oh,” said Poor Mountain Sister. “All of us!”

“Yes,” said Poor Mountain Father. “All of us!”

Mother’s Day soon rolled around and Poor Mountain Sister cooked a delicious breakfast for Poor Mountain Mother and Poor Mountain Brother cleaned up the dishes. After breakfast, Poor Mountain Father stood up behind Poor Mountain Mother and slipped a blind fold over her eyes.

“This is a surprise,” said Poor Mountain Father. “Now don’t peek!”

The Poor Mountain Family helped Poor Mountain Mother into their pickup truck and then Poor Mountain Father stopped in the middle of a field. They led Poor Mountain Mother up into the helicopter and then each took their seat behind the pilot. When they were all inside the helicopter and the doors were locked closed they took the blind fold off Poor Mountain Mother.

“Happy Mother’s Day,” said Poor Mountain Father.

The pilot started up the helicopter and started his ascent into the air. Poor Mountain Mother was quite frightened and gave Poor Mountain Father a terrible look of despair but soon she started to relax and she overcame her fear. The pilot pointed out the family of grizzlies and Poor Mountain Mother just loved it. She wanted to stay there and watch the grizzlies forever and scowled when the pilot started lifting the helicopter away.

The pilot pulled the helicopter up onto a flat ridge and parked. He got out and the Poor Mountain family followed him. Poor Mountain Mother freaked when she saw the mountain sheep standing up against the edge of the mountain.

“Oh!” exclaimed Poor Mountain Mother! “This is the best Mother’s Day present yet! Look at those cute little mountain sheep. They are so adorable!”

Just then Poor Mountain Mother saw a couple of little baby mountain sheep kicking up their heels and playing with each other. They were having such fun.

Poor Mountain Mother was in her glory and didn’t want to get back into the helicopter, not because she was afraid of it but because she was having so much fun!


Moral of this Story:

  • We must always appreciate what our mother’s do for us.
  • Example: The Poor Mountain family appreciate what Poor Mountain Mother does for them.
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