An Electric Easter

“I can’t believe this!” cried Beastly. “Here it is Easter and my power has gone out! How will I ever cook my Easter dinner?”

Beastly waited for about an hour but the electricity still hadn’t come on. He decided to call Ernie the Electrician.

“I am really sorry to bother you,” said Beastly. “My power has been out for the last hour. Would you be able to fix it for me?”

“Well I would,” said Ernie the Electrician, angrily. “However, I am right in the middle of eating my Easter dinner!”

“I am happy you are able to enjoy your Easter dinner,” said Beastly, trying to stay calm. “I guess I will just be having a peanut butter sandwich.”

Ernie the Electrician hung up the phone and went to eat the rest of his Easter dinner.

“Who was that on the phone?” asked Marie, his wife.

“It was just Beastly,” said Ernie the Electrician. “His power is out and he wanted me to fix it for him.”

“I hope he was at least able to cook his Easter dinner,” said Marie.

“He said something about eating a peanut butter sandwich,” said Ernie the Electrician.

Marie got up from the table and went into the kitchen.

“What are you doing?” asked Ernie the Electrician.

“I am packing up an Easter dinner for Beastly,” said Marie. “The poor soul not being able to eat a proper Easter dinner.”

“I see,” said Ernie the Electrician, feeling guilty for treating Beastly the way he did. “I feel bad for the way I treated him. I will take the dinner to Beastly right after I have finished eating.”

“Thank you,” said Marie.

Ernie the Electrician took the meal Marie had prepared for Beastly. Beastly was very grateful.

“I am sorry for the way I treated you,” said Ernie the Electrician. “Sometimes I have a bad temper.”

“I am sorry for bothering you on Easter,” said Beastly.

“No need to apologize,” said Ernie the Electrician. “Just point the way to the electrical room in this building so I get can get you some lights on in here.”

Beastly showed Ernie the Electrician where the electrical room was. He enjoyed his Easter dinner that Ernie the Electrician had brought him and in no time the power was back up.

“How much do I owe you?” asked Beastly, taking his wallet out.

“No charge,” said Ernie the Electrician.

“I thank you for that,” said Beastly. “I own a dance studio and want to change the lighting. Would you be interested in the job?”

“Absolutely,” said Ernie the Electrician. “I would love to do that for you!”


Moral of this Story:

  • Being angry is never a good thing.
  • Example: Ernie the Electrician yelled at Beastly for interrupting him during his Easter dinner because his power was out.

Further Reading

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