Unlucky Christmas Turkey

“Today is Friday the 13th,” said Unlucky Uncle Ungus. “Twelve more days until Christmas. I wonder what kind of bad luck I will have today. I think I should buy a turkey today and cook it. That way I can practice my cooking skills before Christmas and I think it would keep me out of trouble.”

Unlucky Uncle Ungus went to the grocery store and bought a huge turkey. He did have a choice between a much smaller one and the one he bought but he thought that bigger was always better.

The turkey he bought was fresh so he was able to put it in the oven right away. In a few hours, Unlucky Uncle Ungus smelled the turkey cooking and it smelled amazing.

“I love the smell of turkey cooking,” said Unlucky Uncle Ungues. “There is nothing like it.”

Unlucky Uncle Ungus could hear his tummy rumbling. He was so hungry. However, he didn’t want to eat anything because he knew he was soon going to be eating a turkey dinner.

Because Unlucky Uncle Ungus was so hungry, when he went into the kitchen to prepare the vegetables, he ended up peeling a whole bunch. It wasn’t until he started to serve himself that he realized he had cooked way too much food.

“This is so unlucky for me, ” said Unlucky Uncle Ungus. “This is way too much food for just myself. I will have enough turkey here for the next twelve days and then I will be having turkey again for Christmas”.

Unlucky Uncle Ungus didn’t know what he should do. There was just way too much food.

“If only I had someone to share it with,” said Unlucky Uncle Ungus. “I am so unlucky.”

Unlucky Uncle Ungus then thought about the new family that had just moved into the house next door to him. They had four children and were expecting another.

“Maybe I could share all this food with them,” thought Unlucky Uncle Ungus. “They must be starving with all that unpacking they have been doing.”

Unlucky Uncle Ungus went over to ask them if they would like to help him eat a big turkey dinner. The looks on their faces said it all.

“We actually have been so busy that we have forgotten to eat,” said the wife. “After all the unpacking we have done today, a turkey dinner is just what we need.”

The new family enjoyed the turkey dinner and they also enjoyed the company of their new, generous neighbour, Unlucky Uncle Ungus.

“Maybe this Friday the 13th isn’t so unlucky after all, ” said Unlucky Uncle Ungus.


Moral of this Story:

  • It is always good to help others.
  • Example: Unlucky Uncle Ungus shared his huge turkey dinner with his new neighbours.

Further Reading

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