Friday the 13th is Less Scary

Unlucky Uncle Ungus knew that it was Friday the 13th. He was scared. Unlucky Uncle Ungus knew that he would have bad luck. He was born on Friday the 13th and he has had bad luck every day of his life.

Unlucky Uncle Ungus got up out of bed. He went over to the window, turned the blinds down and closed the curtains. He then crawled back into bed.

“Maybe if I stay in bed and sleep this whole Friday the 13th away,” said Unlucky Uncle Ungus to himself. “Then, maybe I won’t have any bad luck.”

Unlucky Uncle Ungus fell asleep. While he slept, he had a dream about it being a beautiful day outside. He dreamt that the sun was shining, the grass was green and baby rabbits were hopping all over the field. Unlucky Uncle Ungus was smiling and he felt happy.

Unlucky Uncle Ungus woke up and went to the window. He looked outside and saw that the sun was shining, the grass was green and the baby rabbits were hopping all over the field.

“I think Friday the 13th is less scary for me,” said Unlucky Uncle Ungus. “I don’t want to waste another minute of this beautiful day.”

Unlucky Uncle Ungus had a wonderful Friday the 13th. He was very happy and he actually had a day with no bad luck. It felt good.


Moral of this Story:

  • Friday the 13th doesn’t have to be scary.
  • Example: Unlucky Uncle Ungus was scared of Friday the 13th but after a dream he had, he realized he didn’t want to waste a beautiful day and Friday the 13th was less scary to him.
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