Tears of War – Chapter Seven

“What do you mean Daddy’s office building is no longer standing?” asked Shawna. “Daddy works in the World Trade Center. His building is over a hundred stories tall!”

“Shawna,” said Mother. “Both towers collapsed. I just saw it on the news.”

“Oh no!” exclaimed Shawna. “What about Daddy?”

“Shawna,” said Mother. “I just don’t know.”

Shawna was silent for a moment.

“Mommy,” said Shawna. “I don’t want to have my operation tomorrow.”

“Shawna,” said Tracey, who had been sitting quietly, trying to take everything in that her Mother had just told them. “I think that you’d better have that operation. The doctor said you might not live without it.”

“Shawna,” said Mother. “I think Tracey is right.”

“Mom,” said Shawna. “Did Daddy have his cell phone with him?”

“Shawna,” said Mother. “What a wonderful idea? Your Daddy takes his cell phone everywhere he goes when he is in New York.”

Mother went to the pay phone as quickly as she could.

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