Desert Kid – Character Insight

Welcome to the Desert Kid – Character Insight page. Desert Kid is a character I created in 2004. I created Desert Kid because of my travels throughout western Canada in 1998 and then again in 2004. I lived in Kamloops, British Columbia for 9 years. I loved living there and miss it very much.

In 1998, I traveled throughout the Okanagan Valley region of British Columbia and I found out that Canada has a semi-desert region. That was a surprise for me. Living in Ontario for my whole life, I never heard of the Okanagan Valley or our semi-desert region.

The reason I created Desert Kid is so more people would become aware of the different ecological areas Canada has to offer.

I added Desert Kid to my group of characters called the Canadian Family. The Canadian Family are a group of characters that each live in different regions of Canada. I have either traveled through these places or lived in these areas.

What we know about Desert Kid so far?

  • Created on June 28, 2006
  • Lives in the Okanagan Valley, BC
  • Desert Kid is kind and caring.
  • He is curious about desert life.
  • He is always very careful in what he does because safety always comes first.
  • He helps out his mother as much as he can.
  • He loves to explore the desert.

Family Members of Desert Kid:

  • Mother is very caring and nurturing.
  • Father teaches his son about the unique landscape they live in and instills the message that safety always comes first.


  • Desert Kid loves to explore the unique landscape of the Okanagan Valley.
  • He is curious and enjoys learning about the flora and fauna of the semi-desert region.
  • Desert Kid likes to assist his mother as much as he can.


  • Desert Kid dislikes any situations that are risky or unsafe.

Further Reading

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